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audvice makes private podcasting easy and secure. It helps HR and Learning professionals to reach employees better. With audvice they can listen to internal information, onboarding or training content by anytime, anywhere, regardless of location, schedule or whether they work in an office, factory, in the field or in a remote setting.

The company was founded in 2018 by CEO Sophie Bolzer and received international attention after winning the Red Bull Basement Finals in 2019. It is backed by investors such as Cusp Capital, CapitalT & TinyVC or HearstLab. Especially in times of flexible working, audvice enables companies to create context and closeness through the power of voice.

audvice was founded

Sophie Bolzer founded audvice. The initial idea: making it really easy for students to record, share and listen to study material to learn smarter and make most of their time.

Product Launch

The first product was launched. audvice partnered up with university lectures who started using the app for blended & flipped learning in class. In December audvice won the Red Bull Basement finals in Toronto and first received international attention. Soon companies followed and wanted to adopt the software solution for internal communication and learning purposes.

From Students to Companies

The rapid development of the first corporate clients, among them Fortune500 companies made audvice pivot from a student app to a B2B SaaS solution.


Active usage and customer feedback allowed the company to speed up product development and tailor it to business needs. The steadily growing audio-boom was even more fueled by the pandemic and increased the demand for the product. In October audvice secured funding by European venture capitalists responsible for investments in companies, such as Zalando, Delivery Hero or Klarna to further expand the team and enhance product development.

Audvice for Enterprise Launch

In 2022, Audvice unveiled its comprehensive Enterprise solution, designed to meet the most stringent data protection and IT-security standards. This robust platform boasts Bring Your Own Key encryption, robust user authentication, advanced user and content management features, and much more.

Audvice for HR & Learning Launch

In 2024, Audvice responded to a growing demand by introducing its new self-service version tailored specifically for HR & Learning professionals. Recognizing the need for a more accessible and flexible solution for private podcasting, they streamlined the process, eliminating the complexities associated with enterprise-level tools, such as intricate implementation processes and authentication measures.

Audvice becomes part of Hype1000

We’re excited to announce that Audvice is becoming part of Hype1000. By joining forces, we’re combining our strengths to create the ultimate corporate audio solution. Together we will be able to offer even more powerful audio tools for communication, training, and employee engagement and are redefining the future of corporate audio, offering unmatched value to our clients.

Sophie Bolzer



Hype 1000, ein führender Anbieter im Bereich Corporate Podcasting, gibt die Übernahme der Audvice GmbH bekannt. Mit dieser strategischen Akquisition stärkt Hype1000 seine Position als der wichtigste Partner für Unternehmen im ...

Die drei VCs Cusp Capital (Deutschland), CapitalT (Niederlande) und TinyVC (UK) lassen insgesamt 1,9 Mio. Euro springen. „Über Audio können aktuell relevante Informationen ganz leicht aufgezeichnet, geteilt und angehört werden, zum Beispiel ...

Sophie Bolzer war vor über einem Jahr in dieser Situation. Dabei schien sie bis dahin alles richtig gemacht zu haben. Ihre App-Idee, die sie während ihres Masterstudiums Strategic Management in Innsbruck entwickelt hatte, bekam von allen ...

Sophie Bolzer (29), Gründerin der Audio-Wissensvermittlungs-App Audvice, ist seit 2018 Start-up-Unternehmerin und hat in diesen wenigen Jahren bereits einiges mitgemacht. Nachdem ihre ursprüngliche Geschäftsidee, die sich an ... 

Die drei Business Angels Philipp Kinsky, Josef Kogler & Heike Thiele steigen beim Salzburger Startup Audvice ein. Das Startup rund um Gründerin Sophie Bolzer hat eine audio-basierte Learning & Collaboration Software für ....

While completing her Master’s degree in Strategic Management, Sophie Bolzer had the idea of an audio crowdsourcing platform for students to help them improve their learning outcomes. She founded Audvice in 2018, navigating her ...

Bevor Sophie Bolzer die Bühne betritt, atmet sie durch und denkt an ihre Stimme. Ruhig soll diese sein und möglichst tief. Für die 27-jährige Salzburgerin ist es ein wichtiger Moment: Sie und ihre Kollegin Nadine Szentivanyi ... 

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